Silly Science on DC’s Legends of Tomorrow

Okay, I don’t know if this review thing is going to be a regular spot here, maybe intermittent, but after last night’s DC’s Legends of Tomorrow I just HAD to say something.

The team is stuck back in 1975, looking for a piece of future tech when someone realizes that hey, it radiates alpha particles, which weren’t discovered until much later, and nothing else does, so let’s just grab what’s his name’s widget of the past and detect the stuff. Now, the problem is that Alpha Particles are an actual thing… discovered WAAAAAY before 1975; in fact, around 1972 I was learning about them in elementary school. They are the nucleus of a helium atom; just a couple of protons and couple of neutrons, no electrons. And as for detecting them, the first dection aparatus was a piece of foil (gold foil, I believe). They are old hat, bunches of stuff in nature radiate them, and we’ve known about them for a century or so at the least.

So, DC, if you’re going to throw some science-sounding stuff in there, and it happens to be a REAL thing, then get it right. Otherwise, stick to making up names Star Trek style.

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