Category: Character Interviews

Interviews, be they text or video, with some of the characters from Maldene.

Interview From The Stars: Sindar

Interview From The Stars Reba Haws Interviews SindarWell, after a leave of absence to recover from her interview with Po-Adar, Reba Haws has returned for another episode of Interview With The Stars (she thanks everyone for the flowers). This time she is speaking to the psychic of the group, Sindar. So join us and see …

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Interview From The Stars: Blag-ak

Interview From The Stars Reba Haws interviews Blag-ak (with some help from Quickfoot) After some recuperation time from her interview with Po-Adar, and a LOT of therapy, Reba Haws is back with yet another interview, this time with that beloved ogre, Blak-ak, with a little help from his small companion Quickfoot.  So join us as …

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Interview From The Stars: Po-Adar

Interview From The Stars Reba Haws Interviews Po-Adar   Today Reba Haws interviews that wizard of questionable sanity, Po-Adar. The one of whom Lord Chaos has said, “That guy’s nuts!”, his role in the unfolding events of Maldene seems a bit murky at best.  So join us as Reba tries to get to the bottom …

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Interview From The Stars- Shong

Interview From The Stars Reba Haws interviews ShongToday has as its guest that highly skilled swordsman, Shong. As able with the blade as any, able to face up against dragon and all manner of terrible beasts. All save, perhaps, but one… Reba Haws (RH): Welcome to our show, Mister Shong. I hear that you …

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Interview From The Stars: Mauklo

Interview From The Stars Reba Haws interviews Mauklo   Today has as its guest another one of Sabu and Eldar’s associates from Maldene, Mauklo.  So join with us on this print edition of Interview From The Stars as Reba Haws tries to get to the bottom of his motives.   Reba Haws (RH):  Welcome …

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Interview From The Stars- Sabu

Interview From The Stars Reba Haws interviews SabuToday is very lucky to have with us Sabu, direct from Maldene via a fortuitous dimensional portal. So join with us on this print edition of Interview From The Stars as Reba Haws gets a few words out of Eldar’s brainy buddy, Sabu. Reba Haws (RH): Welcome …

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