Review- Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Another of my very infrequent reviews here, inspired by the fact that Last Jedi is head over heels better than Force Awakens and obviously designed to make up for that piece of children’s vomit and straighten out a few details of Abrams that the new director (and half of fandom) apparently didn’t like too much.

Okay, so that was half the review itself, but I’m trying not to give too much away. So let me say that we finally have something great going here. Carrie Fisher’s last time up as the fabled Princess, Luke Skywalker coming back as the Master Jedi this time around, R2D2 with an “unfair” flashback, a few confrontations, “Hey his beard’s suddenly brown again and not grey, why is that… Oh, THAT’S why”, and a surprise or two. Pleasant ones, like for instance taking Abram’s predictable rehash of the original trilogy and ripping the guts out of it and turning it completely around.

So, did I like it? The FORCE I did!

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