Tag: comic

Captain America Civil War

There are two ways of doing this review. The short way (“This movie was GREAT! the End.”) or the long way (insert three rambling pages here), but i’ll try to find a middle ground by just commenting on some highlights. Battle at the airport: The bits of it you’ve see in the trailers don’t even …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.maldene.com/reviews/2589

Dead Pool Breaks 16 Walls

That subject line will make perfect sense once you see this movie, and you will because we all like the occasional dose of good dark humor, and wise-cracking superheroes. Never seen the comics, but I’ve been told enough of them from some experts to realize that this Dead Pool is faithful to the comics in …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.maldene.com/reviews/2572

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