Tag: movie

Review: Dead Men Tell No Tales

First off, I loved it (espeically after #4).  It had the humor, the ridiculous situations, and while we didn’t see too much of Orlando Bloom or Kierra Knightly, the plot does coem full circle to wrap things up for those characters.  Now, for those haters that want to pout and complain that this movie disappoints, …

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Reviewing Assassin’s Creed

Never played any of the games this movie is based on, so lowly me I actually have to look at this thing purely from the poiont of view of a movie goer. Okay then, here goes. Basically, this film is about a guy who gets kidnapped just when he’s being put to death so he …

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Reviewing Passengers

Deep space passengr liner/colony ship is going along and someone wakes up a few decades too early: looked lik a good setup in th commercials, right? right? Okay, first, what’s okay: Wll, it has emotional content and lots of neato looking sciency tech stuff. Now for what’s wrong: Pretty much all the rest, but I’ll …

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Rogue One Review

Okay, so I saw Rogue One, and I must say i really liked it- both for the story, effects, and the miracle they pulled of bringing dead actors back to life. Through a combintation of doubles, computer wizardry, old vocal tracks, and a remarkable attention to detail, you have Peter Cushing as the old Grand …

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Movie Review: Dr. Strange

I’ve never had a chance to really read comics but I have seen every comic-book-inspired TV series and movie that came out since I was 3… including the first attempt at Dr. Strange on TV back in the 70s.  Always wanted to see a lot more of him.  In fact, my user name around the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.maldene.com/reviews/2825

Review: Independence Day Resurgence

Twenty years to wait for a sequel? I think that ties it with the Star wars prequels; really long time. But, the bit question… is it worth it? Is ID4-2 what we might have hoped for? Or will it just be like the newer Star Wars movie where someone decides that all they need is …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.maldene.com/reviews/2672

Review- X-Men: Apocalypse

Well, looks like X-Men is really on track now that Marvel is involved, and you can always tell when they are when Stan Lee makes his contracturally mandatory cameo in the flick.  Apocalypse, as it turns out, is really good.  As you remember, Days of Future past left off with Current Day all nice and …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.maldene.com/reviews/2595

Gods of Egypt

So I know a bit about mythology- big fan. And even know a bit about Egyptian Mythology, which is why I went to see Gods of Egypt. Now, I’ve see a rreview on another sight and the guy hated it, but I found htis thing rather enjoyable. Get past some of the spotty acting, but …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.maldene.com/reviews/2576

Dead Pool Breaks 16 Walls

That subject line will make perfect sense once you see this movie, and you will because we all like the occasional dose of good dark humor, and wise-cracking superheroes. Never seen the comics, but I’ve been told enough of them from some experts to realize that this Dead Pool is faithful to the comics in …

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