Gods of Egypt

So I know a bit about mythology- big fan. And even know a bit about Egyptian Mythology, which is why I went to see Gods of Egypt. Now, I’ve see a rreview on another sight and the guy hated it, but I found htis thing rather enjoyable. Get past some of the spotty acting, but on the mythological aspect at least someone did their homework.

I loved how they kept it completely to mythological character instead of modernizing it by having Earth as the flat disc thing with Ra towing around the Sun. Okay, I was a bit bothered by Set having a scottish sounding accent, but that’s minor. We have a great looking ancient egypt in the time of the gods, and Yes in Egyptian mythology the first set of rulers there on Earth were the actual gods, from which the Pharohs are said to be descended (which gives them their right to rule). The gods changing shape, Horus’ eyes, Set conniving and even his spear, all of it’s straight from the mythology. And actually this is the tamed down version, as there were other things about Horus eyes (one sees the good in things, the other sees the bad, and between them he sees the complete truth), and Horus getting a second penis (the full mythology wopuld probably be rated X).

All in all I found myself rather enjoying it (well, up to the point in the end credits were someone in the projector room just turned the thing off in mid-music). For those guys out there saying this is the worst, they need to get out more. This is a fun movie (if you want bad, download Event Horizon or any given SF movie out of Italy from the 70s and 80s).

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