Cover for Second Flaatphut Story

cover for second Flaatphut story

Okay Spidey Friends- Whoops, can’t use that. Okay then, hello all True Believers- No, that one’s taken as well. Well, the point is that, for a while now some opeople have been asking me when I’ll release the second Inspector Flaatphut story (there are 7 so far), and my answer has been, “When I can get a cover for it.” Well, a search for anyone willing to do it on the ultra-cheap (read as: free) has been fruitless, as has the search for some free clip art that works for the story to slap together. So, I finally sat down today and cobbled something together. Nothing fancy (my skills are more in the writing end of things, but here it is. Just comment to the post (at for those reading this via other social media feeds) if it’s okay enough and, if so, I’ll slap it all into an ebook and release it before the week’s up.

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