Maldene Behind The Scenes: Miro

Miro is the Big Bad of all Big Bads, the villain of the multiverse of Maldene. But what inspired me to create him? where do the components of this ultimate villain come from? Let’s take just a little peak behind the curtain and see.

Growing up, I loved seeing movies with great villains, but after a while I began to realize they all suffered from certain failings. They ALWAYS explained their ultimate plan to whichever good guy they’d captured, giving someone else time to catch up to them. They never simply offed their opponent first chance they got. And a lot of times the writer would leave too many obvious sign posts to lead the good guys on their way to defeating the bad guy. I wanted a REAL villain, one with no artificial flaws, one that could send chills down his opponent’s spine just from a look. A villain you would love to hate. No tragic villains, or someone you might have sympathy for, I wanted the old fashioned kind. The guy in the black hat and long twirling mustache that the audience hisses at.

Enter Miro.

Miro treats his opponents in one of two ways. He uses them for his own needs, often without them knowing it, or he gets rid of them if they get in the way. Then of course he must be diabolical, the kind that plots centuries in advance. A threat to make the gods quake in fear. I designed Miro to be the ultimate villain, the kind you can love to hate, ponder about his plans, and realize that when he’s face to face with one of the good guys, that there is a real threat present, an actual chance that who you thought was the hero could end up dead… or worse.

Of course, the ultimate villain needs an appropriately large prize. Just what is it that Miro is after? What is his prize, a prize appropriate for his villainy and unsurpassed greed and lust for power? For the answer to that one, you’ll just have to read the books.

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