Just A Little Maldene Easter Egg

Okay, so I have to confess; I’ve planted a little Easter Egg on this site.  What’s more, it’s been there from day one just staring you in the face (warning:  I do that sort of thing with plot secrets in the books as well, so read them very carefully).  I even had it on the old pre-wordpress version of my site.

So, just what is this little tidbit?  Well… ever notice that little bit of background behind everything?  That black field with bits of alien looking characters scrawled in white across it.  See if you can use your browser to separate out that file and download it.  You’ll find that it’s a jpeg file and that the full image actually has three rows of alien characters.  Specifically, characters from the Maldene alphabet.

And YES, they spell something out!

All this time I’ve had my little message posted right there in the background for everyone to see.  So, how do you read it?  Well, after you have the image on your computer, you’ll first need a copy of the Maldene alphabet.  This would be Appendix A in the books.  Use that to see what’s written in normal english characters.

But that’s not all of it, because that’s when you’ll discover that the resultant words are ones that you’ll find in the Maldene Dictionary– that would be Appendix B in the novel.  So you’ll need that to complete decoding it.

Not a long message and nothing Earth-shaking (or Maldene-shaking) but if you want to know what it says then grab a copy of the first two Appendices from the book and start decoding.  Then you can message me or post a comment to this post about your discoveries.

Good luck!

Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/uncategorized/4649

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