Tag: epic fantasy

Maldene Behind The Scenes: Why Mix Magic And Science

I have stated before that Maldene is a world of magic AND science, a mix of fantasy and science fiction, but why would I try this hard-to-do combination? After all, a few others have tried and it usually comes out looking pretty stupid. Well, the short of it is that I love both Science Fiction …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/plot-talk/1834

Maldene Behind The Scenes: The Farlands

In my Maldene series, The Farlands almost becomes a running gag. An out of the way little continent so backwards that a crossbow is considered a major artifact and the only natives are for the most part descendants of someone that got shipwrecked there long ago. So, why bother having a place like that? What …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/plot-talk/1787

Maldene Behind The Scenes: Miro

Miro is the Big Bad of all Big Bads, the villain of the multiverse of Maldene. But what inspired me to create him? where do the components of this ultimate villain come from? Let’s take just a little peak behind the curtain and see. Growing up, I loved seeing movies with great villains, but after …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/plot-talk/1785

Maldene Behind The Scenes: The Sea of A Thousand Islands.

This is a new series of articles wherein I give a little inside peek to where some of the ideas for the places, people, and plots for Maldene came from. A quick little tour of the inside of my mind. An odd place, so be careful of where you step. For this first installment, I …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/plot-talk/1768

Writing Tips: Eccentric Characters

Every story has them, or at least every GOOD story has them. That one eccentric character with the quirk or odd way of behaving that draws him out to the reader’s eyes. A character that adds flavor and some fun to the telling of the tale. The eccentric character. First let’s clear something up. Eccentric …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/writing-tips/1714

Characters Of Maldene: Quickfoot And Blag-ak

Two of the characters of the epic Maldene cannot be told of separately, for they run together much like Mutt and Jeff of the comics of old. An odd team, they are part beloved characters and part comic relief. Blag-ak is a large ogre with a vocabulary that only allows him to utter about four …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/plot-talk/1701

Cristina Istrati Interviews Me On Blog Hop

Recently Cristina Istrati interviewed me about myself and my book, Maldene as part of her Blog Hop event. What follows is the text of that interview. 1) What is the Title of your book? “Maldene: Volume One” It’s actually the first half of the first novel, “Maldene”, just divided into 2 volumes since it’s a …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/uncategorized/1552

What Defines Epic Fantasy

Recently I saw a discussion online asking what makes Epic Fantasy. Of course I posted my onw opinion- being the author of something that is easily considered epic in scope- and one or two of the responses seemed a bit… limiting. One answer was along the lines of basing Epic Fantasy very strictly on Tolkein, …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/writing-tips/1296

Guest Post: Epic Fantasy And Modern Mythmaking by Jeff Shanley

As part of a virtual fantasy writer tour, author Jeff Shanley has written up a guest post for my blog. He voices a few thoughts similar to the process behind my own creation of Maldene. So read on, then afterwards go to his site and read some more. Jeff’s Blog site: The Mavonduri Trilogy Official …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/writing-tips/566

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