Tag: novelist

Ghostwriting Services

  Welcome to my ghostwriting page! I am a scribbler of other people’s books, both fiction and non, and have been doing so since 2010, while writing my own novels since about 1996, and with a MS in Physics.  If you need a book written, I’m the go-to guy. Are you a businessman looking to …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/ghostwritingservices

My Interview on YouTube

Hey, I was finally interviewed on tape, my smiling face and all. Bobby Buck interviewed me for “My People’s Entertainment” and shot it straight up to YouTube. You’ll find it both there and imbeded below, as well as at maldene.com/interviews. It’s 15 minutes, so sit back and watch.

Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/news/1825

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