Quick Request

Just a little favor I want to ask all of you. It has come to my attention that there may be some error getting in the way of people leaving comments to my posts one this web site. While I’ve tested and can leave comments, I’m doing it via my desktop and as an admin, but many of you may be using their cell phones to post (no working cell phone here). I’ve just spent the last couple of hours cleaning out some unused plugins and checking a few things out but I could still use some help.

So, for anyone reading this here’s what I’m asking you to do. Sometime over this weekend, go to the site (www.maldene.com) and by whatever means pick a post and try to leave a comment. If you can then great. But if something comes up like an error message then I would deeply appreciate it if you could tell me. Just send me a message (email, FB message, the Contact/feedback line on maldene.com, whatever) that includes a screenshot of the error message and be sure to tell me if you tried by using your computer or cell phone. This will help me to track down what may or may not be going on.

Thank-you ahead of time.

Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/uncategorized/3771

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